The Community Honesty Library

Leave a book, take a book, please donate.

All money raised will go to local charities, community initiatives and good causes.

We will always share the news of any donation made on our social media pages.


If you would like to be considered for a donation, please contact us on the below email explaining a little about yourself and what a donation would be used for.



In July 2020 Byron Place lost a very special lady from the team, Alex Cloete.
Alex had worked as a Centre Support Assistant since the centre opened in 2007 and was known and loved by so many people. On the day Alex was taken ill the Great North Air Ambulance Service were called to assist, their medical team fought endlessly to save Alex. It came as a great shock to everyone when she sadly lost her life.

In memory of Alex, the team at Byron Place nominate Great North Air Ambulance Service as their Charity of the Year in 2020-22. and raised funds through a variety of ways. As of December 2022 we have raised £5254. We continue regularly donate to this vital service. You can find out more about GNAAS and donate yourselves here –


©Byron Place 2018